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6 Ways to Celebrate National Dentist’s Day

March 3, 2022

For hundreds of years, dentists have helped us with our smiles, so it’s time to return the favor! National Dentist’s Day is March 6th, so it’s the perfect time to show appreciation for a dental professional in your life.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry – we’ve compiled a list of easy ways you can celebrate!


  1. Give Them a Shoutout on Social Media!

A modern way you can thank your dentist is by writing a virtual thank you note.

Post on their wall, send them an e-card, tag them in a post, or even write a positive review about your experience.

They’ll appreciate your kind words and thanks!

Looking for a way to get started? Share our “Thank You” post or write a short note in the comments.


  1. Refer Family & Friends

If a dentist has made a positive change in your life, you can spread the love to your family and friends.

Letting your loved ones know about your dental care experience is a great way to show how much you care. Even if your relatives do not live in the same area, you can help find a location near them! 

national dentists day

  1. Learn More About Dentistry 

Another way you can celebrate your dentist is learning more about the types of dentistry, dental conditions, and treatment options.

Our blog features several articles with tips, tricks, and valuable information about dental health. 

Additionally, you can read more oral health topics on the American Dental Association website.


  1. Maintain Healthy Habits 

Your dentist will be really happy when you brush and floss every single day!

Make oral health habits part of your daily routine by putting aside a little bit of time to take care of your smile. Building these habits truly shows your commitment to your overall oral health.

national dentists day

  1. Schedule Your Yearly Cleanings 

If you haven’t already, it’s a great time to schedule your yearly cleanings. There, you can show your appreciation for your dentist in person!

Schedule an appointment online today.


  1. Show Off That Smile!

One of the best things you can do to celebrate National Dentist’s Day is to show the world your wonderful smile.

Your dentist has worked hard to make sure your smile is happy and healthy. Love yourself and flash those pearly whites!


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